Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Analysis Of Joseph Smith History, Narrative Of The Life Of...

English 202 Benjamin Bitner Winter 2016 Final Exam Part 1 1. Discuss the quest for truth and meaning in the Joseph Smith History, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and The Death of Ivan Ilyich. Joseph Smith History JSH Chapter 1 verse 9ish Truths were absent and they needed to be restored. What is to be done? Who of all of these parties are right and how should I know it? If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God. The teachers of religion understood concepts differently. Appeal to the Bible is not sufficient because interpretation is different for everyone. Bible can’t lead me to complete truth, prayer can if once believes. Truth can be found in a place that is free of distraction, nature. Satan attempts to interrupt JS prayer in search for truth, making it a rigorous process that reveals that one must truly believe and yearn for pure truth. Narrative of the life of FD The pursuit of truth and meaning in the Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass. Knowledge is the means to freedom. Education and freedom are connected to each other. The road to freedom was the road of education. When the mistress tries to teach Frederik Douglass how to read, the husband gets extremely upset and notes that if you teach a slave how to read, he will no longer want to be a slave. the perpetuation of slavery through enforced ignorance. Douglass’s explanation about why he does not describe the means of his escape elaborates on one of the Narrative’s main themes—the

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